Acte : Botox injection

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Botox injection

Botulinum toxin (or botulinum toxin) is a protein made naturally by bacteria (clostridium botulinum). Once extracted and purified, it allows the manufacture of a drug (Botox® for neurological indications; Vistabel®, Azzalure®, or Boccouture® for aesthetic indications). The wrinkles conventionally treated by the injection of botulinum toxin are frown lines (between the eyebrows), horizontal lines on the forehead and crow's feet lines (around the eyes). The treatment of baleen (vertical straps stretched at the neck) is also very effective. Other more specific indications exist and are to be discussed on a case-by-case basis (fine lines of the lower eyelids, fine lines of the lips, folds of the lateral faces of the nose (bunny-lines "), correction of the lowering of the angle of the nose. mouth, correction of the gingival smile, raising of the tip of the nose, opening of the eyelid cleft, raising or lowering of the eyebrow, etc.)